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These are people who are a starting point of everything in the world - therefore this time we focus on human relationships and their unique life stories - lifestyles, social phenomena and behavior, feelings & emotions, people around them, life events, social status, reactions, stages of life etc.

  • number of snapshots: 268!

  • number of cards: 69

The set consists of:

  • 268 photos

          --> individual people (88 snapshots)

          --> relationships  (180 snapshots)

  • 69 question cards

           --> concept questions (45 cards)

           --> compare & contrast questions (24 cards)

  • handouts with vocabulary related to the photos (for a student as support)

  • a list of (concept/compare &contrast) questions (teacher's tool)

  • a template board to place photos on it


  • The set has a great variety of uses:

  1. compare & contrast activity

  2. picture description

  3. values instilling / discussions about social phenomena and behavior / similarities and differences between people (especially as a tool to work with students during hours with a form teacher)

  4. lesson starters / discussion starters

  5. discussion about different lifestyles

34.99 PLN
