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  • number of cards in total: 48

Have you ever been thankful for the knowledge and skills acquired during your school years? Or maybe you feel as if you wasted a lot of time without any reason. That's the time to discuss our school years and if or to what extent the institution of school and the condition of education should be changed and rebuild somehow. Let's create the new better curriculum based on our needs and the demans of the contemporary world.


The set consists of:

  • 24 discussion prompts
  • 24 photos reflecting the discussion prompts


--> Different cards with skills, situations or knowledge which should or shouldn't be acquired or experienced before we graduate from school.

--> How can you use the material:

  • use the photos to guess what skill/knowledge/aspect of education is presented, then discuss the topic from the discussion prompts
  • use the words/expressions from the discussion prompts to talk about today's education and suggest some changes
  • reflect on your school experience - decide if you had/have a chance to acquire/experience the different must-haves
  • decide if the must-haves are really must-haves or if it's ok that we didn't have an opportunity to experience them


  • level: B1 - C1

19.99 PLN




Must-haves to experience before graduation