This set is a huge collection of conversation cards divided into 6 categories.
Unique conversation questions make your students unwilling to stop talking ;-)

  • level: B1 - C2

Numbers and categories
(398 cards!!!):

  1. The changes that affect you – 64 conversation questions


  2. Seeing the good side – 80 cards


  3. The usual or unusual course of events – 62 cards


  4. Would I do it that way? – 64 cards


  5. Which is more difficult? – 64 cards


  6. Limitation or convenience? – 64 cards





The changes that affect you

Use the cards in individual or group discussions. The task is to consider a range changes which possibly make a difference to our life and out habits. Discuss these changes and state to what extent they affect you. Finally, decide if they are positive or negative in your opinion.


Seeing the good side

Use the cards in individual or group discussions. The task is to think of the possible benefits of a bad situation described in the card. Let’s try to be optimists 😊


The usual or unusual course of events

Use the cards in individual or group discussions. The task is to decide what next steps are taken when encountered the situation from the card – you need to think about two cases – what is the usual or unusual course of events. It can be done in the form of instructions or a manual. Finally, speculate on what you would do next in the following situations.


Would I do it that way?

Use the cards in individual or group discussions. The task is to compare your habits and attitude towards different activities and decide whether you would do it the same or different way and explain why.


Which is more difficult?

Use the cards in individual or group discussions. The task is to compare two elements and decide which one is more difficult to do/accomplish/achieve etc. and justify your choice.


Limitation or convenience?

Use the cards in individual or group discussions. The task is to decide whether the element on each card is considered as a limitation or convenience in our life. Justify your opinion. Think about the pros and cons of it.


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