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A useful and memorable way to discuss important life problems, dilemmas, situations and make right decisions depending on personal experience and life traumas.

  • number of situations: 20

  • each topic consists of a task and 4-8 elements to be considered in the discussion

  • each A4 page consists of 2 cards on the same topic so that each partner would have the task in front of his/her eyes while speaking



  1. Life steps and planning

  2. Health risk and taking care

  3. Time-off dilemma

  4. Lover cheating dilemma

  5. Getting rid of your life love

  6. Placing a book order

  7. Breaking the code of conduct

  8. How to date

  9. Summer break experience

  10. Overcoming learning problems

  11. Time management and advice

  12. Dream place to sigh with relief

  13. Moving out

  14. 21st century adult life skills

  15. Politicians and elections

  16. Human rights

  17. Book-film fight

  18. Coronavirus constraints and dilemmas

  19. Smart balance

  20. Fall in love with home quarantine


  • LEVEL: B1-C2

24.99 PLN
