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This set is a huge collection of conversation cards divided into 6 categories. Unique conversation questions make your students unwilling to stop talking ;-)



  • level: B1 - C2

Numbers and categories
(478 cards!!!):

  1. Blurred quotes – 20 quotation cards, 60 conversation questions


  2. Cost vs. value – 120 cards


  3. How to handle …? – 80 cards


  4. I’m glad it’s over – 136 cards


  5. Who might say it? Role plays – 50 cards


  6. Mad, all this, isn’t it? – 72 cards




Blurred quotes

The task is to guess the word from the gap to make a meaningful quote. Then, you are supposed to discuss the meaning of the quote. After that, use the follow-up conversation questions to have a greater insight into the topic from the quote.


Cost vs. value

The task is to work out the relation between cost and value (is there more value in comparison to its cost), considering different pros and cons of it. To sum up, you need to decide if we can assess it as more positive or negative. 


How to handle …?

The task is to decide how to deal with life hardships and other hard nuts to crack as well as how to find different solutions to the problems.


I’m glad it’s over

The task is to make up your mind why the person from the card would say “I’m glad it’s over”. Think about different contexts and speculate on different possibilities. 


Who might say it? Role plays

The task is to work out who might say the quote. Then, think of different contexts and do role plays between this person and the other person/people from the list.


Mad, all this, isn’t it?

The task is to make up your mind if the habit/situation/behavior from the card seems to be weird or crazy to you or if it is rather an ordinary thing to do. Say: I agree or disagree, and explain why. Find as many pros and cons of it as possible.


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